Believing that our employees are the most valuable asset of the company we will create the best possible healthy and safe working environmental conditions across our organization within the framework of the principles of OHSAS 18001.
In order to realize this objective at every stage of our operations in our workplaces we adopt the following basic approches;
- Define occupational health and safety hazards, identify hazards and put in place controls to manage them,
- Prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases by determining the route causes, take necessary precautions and reduce workplace accidents and illness,
- Examine occured work accidents and take preventive actions,
- To engage and motivate staff with better , safer working conditions and to constitude occupational Health and Safety culture and turn it into a lifestyle,
- Make risk assessments by the participation of the employees and reach the acceptable risk levels,
- Use the safe equipment and appropriate technologies for a healthy and safe working environment,
- Meet the relevant standards and requirements in the field of legal obligations for Occupational Health and Safety,
- Create consiousness about the principles of OHSAS ( Occupational Health and Safety reguirements) by continous training of the employees, sub-contractors / suppliers and their employees, visitors.
- Execute yearly training programs for all employees and define the content and duration according to the hazard class of each operation,
- Review all health and safety conditions at each new investment and projects.