Quality Policy

In order to satisfy our customers today and future expectations we will fully adopt the principles of the following management system standarts


In order to satisfy our customers today and future expectations we will fully adopt the principles of the following management system standarts;

ISO 9001: Quality Management System
ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System
ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Management

And act according to Company Values and Code of Ethics.

We will continuously improve our technical and managerial skills and follow market trends and developments.

With our product variety, product development approach, on time delivery performance, our product and service quality level exceeding customer expectations and prompt replies; we will create a difference in the market in such a way that our customers will always prefer our company in priority.

By developing the skills and technical know-how of our employees, we will do the job right at the first attempt and we will increase our employees satisfaction by applying the contemporary human resource management approaches.

We will be a continously growing and profitable company.

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